We are
inspire change
Illuminate your community with Lantern - an NGO dedicated to raising awareness through religious and community activities in Maldives. Join us in promoting education, manners and values for all.
Our events
Empower your community with Lantern's enlightening events, promoting education, manners and values for all.
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Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles in Islam
New series of lectures to be held at every Monday after Asr prayer at Masjid Noor, R. Hulhudhuffaaru by Sheikh Ibrahim Rafiu
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World Cup on the Big Screen
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment in World Cup dhekkumah takai Jamiyyaa thakah havaal kuri projector thakuge therein, Lantern ah libun projector vanee Fenaka - R. Hulhudhuffaaru Branch aa gulhigen RO Plant goathi thereygai behetti, match beleyne inthizaam hama jessifa.
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Call For Prayer Program
Meeting with kids in Call for Prayer Program with Sheikh Mujuthaba Hameedh, Ali Rameez, and Hulhudhuffaaru Council.
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The Best Team
Our Exco
Leading the way with our dynamic and capable Executive Committee.
Gaim Yoosuf Adam
Ahmed Faaril
General Secretary
Al Akhir Yoosuf
Abdullah Shaheed
Vice President
Aminath Sathia
Vice President
Be part of the change
Are you interested to be involved in our activities? We always welcome an extra hand
joint ventures
Book Us
Book a religious scholar of Lantern. We will be happy to help you out according to their availability.
We have set of pre-designed events that are perfect for students, parents and society in general,
Our Team
Book our team of highly experienced and qualified individuals with variety of backgrounds to conduct one of your events.
Our Partners
Faanooz Faaru
[email protected] 7468264
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